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  1. Comparison between A.C. And D.C. Welding Machines
  2. Advantages of Welding Transformer
  3. Principle of Working of A.C. Generator
  4. Advantages of Polyphase System
  5. Power Factor Improvement Method
  6. Charging and Discharging of Capacitor
  7. Electrolytic Capacitors
  8. Ceramic Capacitors
  9. Mica Capacitors
  10. Plastic Film Capacitors
  11. Paper Capacitors
  12. Air Capacitors
  13. Capacitance
  14. Electrostatic Induction
  15. Static Electricity
  16. Self Inductance
  17. Dynamically Induced e.m.f
  18. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction
  19. Force on a Current Carrying Conductor Lying in a Magnetic Field
  20. Fleming’s Left Hand Rule
  21. Fleming’s Right Hand Rule
  22. Effect of Iron Core in a Coil
  23. Right Hand Cork’s Screw Rule
  24. Magnetic Filed Due to a Current Carrying Conductor
  25. Magnetically Hard Materials
  26. Conversion of Electrical Energy to Mechanical Energy
  27. Thermal Efficiency
  28. Heating Effect of Current
  29. Conductance
  30. Resistance
  31. Resistors Specification
  32. Resistor & Resistance
  33. Semiconductors
  34. Conductors
  35. Insulator
  36. Ac Transformer
  37. Capacitor
  38. Primary Cell
  39. Electric Circuit
  40. Difference between Series and Parallel Combination
  41. Types of Current
  42. House Circuit
  43. Fuse
  44. Refrigerator
  45. Magnetism And Electromagnetism - Circuit
  46. Electronics
  47. Telephone
  48. Sound Recording by a Recorder, Reproduction of Sound
  49. Television
  50. Satellites
  51. Rectifier
  52. Radio
  53. Radar
  54. Doping
  55. Cell and Batteries

  56. D.C. Batteries
  57. Production of E.M.F. By Chemical Action
  58. Classification of Cells
  59. Construction of Nickel Iron Cell
  60. Characteristics of Nickel Iron Cell
  61. Nickel-Cadmium Batteries
  62. Lead Acid Battery
  63. Construction of Lead Acid Battery
  64. Chemical Action of Lead Acid Battery
  65. Charging of Lead Acid Battery
  66. Electrical Characteristics of Lead Acid Battery
  67. Applications of Lead Acid Batteries
  68. Maintenance and Care of Lead Acid Batteries
  69. Capacity-Rating of a Lead Acid Accumulator
  70. Affective Capacity of a Lead Acid Battery
  71. Battery Containers and Covers
  72. Efficiency of an Accumulator
  73. Efficiency of Cell or Battery
  74. Series and Parallel Connection of Batteries or Cell
  75. Sketch of Nickel Iron Cell
  76. D.C. Motor

  77. D.C. Motor
  78. Principle of D.C. Motor
  79. Working Principle of DC Motor
  80. Commutator Action in a DC Motor
  81. Back EMF of DC Motor
  82. Driving and Retarding Torques, Back EMF
  83. Types of DC Motor
  84. Application of D.C. Motors
  85. Losses in D.C. Motors
  86. Direction of Rotation of DC Motor
  87. Speed Control of DC Motor
  88. Speed Control of DC Shunt Motors
  89. Speed Control of DC Series Motors
  90. Speed Regulation of DC Motor
  91. Starters for DC Shunt and Compound Wound Motors
  92. Testing of Dc Machines
  93. Dynamometer Test
  94. Detailed Dynamometer Description
  95. Swinburne’s Test
  96. Hopkinson Test
  97. Safety While Working on Motor
  98. D.C. Generator

  99. Principle of D.C. Generator
  100. Construction of Single Loop Generator
  101. Working of DC Generator
  102. Types of DC Generator
  103. Types of DC Generator
  104. Conditions for Self Excitation
  105. Causes of Failure to Build Up Voltage
  106. Types of D.C. Generator
  107. Application of DC Generators
  108. Characteristics of DC Generators
  109. Characteristic of Separately Excited Dc Generator
  110. Characteristics of Series DC Generator
  111. Characteristic of Shunt DC Generator
  112. Critical Field Resistance
  113. Cumulative Compound Wound Generator Characteristics
  114. Differential Compound Wound Generator Characteristics
  115. Levels of Compounding a Compound Generator
  116. Armature Reaction
  117. Compensating Windings
  118. Brush Shifting
  119. Methods of Improving Commutation
  120. Losses in D.C. Generators
  121. Parallel Operation of D.C. Generators
  122. Conditions for Parallel Operation of Two Generators
  123. Procedure for Paralleling D.C. Generators
  124. Load Sharing of DC Generator
  125. Series Generators in Parallel
  126. Parallel Operation of Shunt Generators
  127. Parallel Operation of Compound Generator
  128. Safety while Working on Generator
  129. Voltage Build Up Process in D.C. Generator
  130. Wiring Systems

  131. Choice of Wiring System
  132. Types of Wiring System
  133. Cleat Wiring System
  134. Method of Cleat Wiring Installation
  135. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cleat Wiring
  136. Precautions of Cleat Wiring
  137. Materials and Tools of Cleat Wiring
  138. Batten Wiring System
  139. Method of Batten Wiring Installation
  140. Advantages and Disadvantages of Batten Wiring
  141. Precautions of Batten Wiring
  142. Materials and Tools of Batten Wiring
  143. Casing Capping Wiring System
  144. Casing Capping Wiring Installation Method
  145. Advantages and Disadvantages of Casing Capping Wiring
  146. Precautions of Casing CappingWiring
  147. Conduit Wiring System
  148. Types of Conduit Wiring
  149. Conduit Wiring Installation Method
  150. Advantages and Disadvantages of Conduit Wiring
  151. Surface Conduit Wiring Materials and Tools
  152. Uses of Conduit Wiring
  153. Precautions of Conduit Wiring
  154. Concealed Conduit Wiring Installation Method
  155. Advantages and Disadvantages of Concealed Conduit Wiring
  156. Concealed Conduit Wiring Materials and Tools
  157. Precautions of Concealed Conduit Wiring
  158. Uses of Concealed Conduit Wiring
  159. Flexible Conduit
  160. Jointing Method
  161. Looping in System
  162. Electricity Rules about Domestic Wiring
  163. Protective Devices for House Wiring

  164. Types of Circuit Breakers
  165. Types of Fuses
  166. Types of Protective Devices for House Wiring
  167. Advantages and Disadvantages of Fuse
  168. Advantages and Disadvantages of Miniature Circuit Breakers
  169. Distribution Board

  170. Distribution Board
  171. Parts of Distribution Board
  172. Preparing of Distribution Board
  173. Jointing and Soldering

  174. Cable Joints and it Types
  175. Soldering
  176. Method of Soldering
  177. Precautions for Soldering
  178. Precautions for Jointing
  179. Wiring Test

  180. Megger Testing Instruments
  181. Test Lamp Testing Instruments
  182. Continuity Tester Testing Instruments
  183. A.V.O Meter
  184. Polarity Wiring Test
  185. Continuity Wiring Test
  186. Continuity Wiring Test for Earth Connection
  187. Short Circuit Test
  188. Insulation Test
  189. Industrial and Commercial Wiring System

  190. Industrial and Commercial Wiring System
  191. Conduit Wiring System
  192. Uses of Conduit Wiring
  193. Trunking Wiring System
  194. Skirting Trunking
  195. Non-Metallic Trunking
  196. Installation of Trunking
  197. Advantages and Disadvantages of Trunking Wring System
  198. Uses of Trunking Wiring System
  199. Ducting Wiring System
  200. Installation Method of Ducting Wiring System
  201. Uses of Ducting Wiring System
  202. Catenary Wiring System
  203. Uses of Catenary Wiring System
  204. Overhead Bus-Bar System
  205. Bus Bar System for Rising Mains
  206. Tough Sheathed Cable System

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