Types of GearsPoints : Types of Gears, Spur Gears, Bevel Gears, Internal Gears, Helical Gears, Herringbone Gears, Worm and Worm Gears, Rack and PinionsMany types of gears are used in industrial machines. The most common are spur,
bevel and miter, internal, helical, and worm gears.1. Spur GearsSpur gears are cylindrical and have teeth that are parallel with the axis of the gear.
They are designed for use on shafts whose axis are parallel with each other; A spur
rack has teeth at a right angle to the axis of motion of the rack. Spur gears are the
most commonly used type of gear on industrial machines. Normally, they are used
under conditions of moderate speed and moderate load.
2. Bevel GearsIn bevel gear the teeth are cut on a conical surface, such as would be represented by a
truncated cone. Bevel gears are used for transmitting power around comers.
The shafts generally are at right angles, but they may be at various angles. Bevel gears
on shafts at angles other than 90° are called angular gears. Two bevel gears 'of equal
size with equal number of teeth and designed for use on shafts at right angles are
called miter gears.
3. Internal GearsInternal gears have teeth on the inner surface of a cone or cylinder. This type may also
have spur,
bevel, or helical teeth. An advantage n combining internal and external gears is their
compactness. Since the centers of the gears are closer together, less space is required.
They also possess increased operational efficiency; more teeth are in mesh, the tooth
lines curve in the same direction, and friction is reduced.
4. Helical GearsHelical gears are similar to spur gears, except that the teeth form a helix twisting
around the body of the gear. The helical teeth provide greater strength and smoother
operation at high speeds. The teeth do not hit each other as in the case of spur gears.
Instead, they slide across each other, thus reducing noise and vibration. Since several
teeth are in contact at the same time, their strength is greater than for spur teeth of
the same size.
Helical gears may be used for connecting shafts that are parallel, or at an angle with
each other, provided their axial lines de not intersect. When used on parallel shafts,
they are called parallel helical gears (Left)] and are of opposite hand. This means a
right-hand gear is meshed with a left-hand gear. Gears that operate on shafts with
crossed axes are called crossed helical gears. They may have gears with teeth of the
same hand or of the opposite hand.
5. Herringbone GearsOriginally, a herringbone gear consisted of two helical gears of equal size but of
opposite hand joined together. Today, most herringbone gears are produced as a
single unit on special machines which cut the teeth in two directions at one time.
6. Worm and Worm GearsWorm gears arc meshed with a warm; the gear and the worm constitute a worm gear
mechanism. The teeth on the worm gear are helical and conform to the helix angle of
the tooth on the worm. The helical tooth on the worm is a form of thread, similar to an acme thread, and it often is called a worm thread.
Worms may have single, double, or triple threads. With the single thread, one
revolution of the worm revolves the worm gear a distance equal to that between a
point on one tooth and a corresponding point on the next worm gear tooth, or one
circular pitch. One revolution of a doublet thread worm revolves the gear an amount
equal to two teeth on the gear, and so on.
Worm gearing is used largely for speed reduction. The worm gear cannot turn the
worm when a single-thread worm is used. This type of gear mechanism is self locking.
Engineers take advantage of this feature when they employ worm gears in steering
mechanisms, in hoisting equipment, and in other devices.
7. Rack and PinionsMany types of racks are used in industry. Some have their teeth cut as spur, while
others have helical teeth. The latter are called helical racks. Many such racks used for
adjusting the position of parts of machine tools. The function of rack and pinion is to
transfer circular motion to rectilinear motion. A gear rack is a flat surface on which
teeth have been cut. Rectangular stock is commonly used, but square and round stock
may be used, as on the side of the shaft. A gear rack, when meshed with a gear, is
used to change rotary motion to reciprocating motion.
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