Receiver GaugePoints : Receiver Gauge Definition, Receiver Gauges FeaturesThis gauge is intended for used by pneumatic transmission of method variables. A extensive range of transmitters are
available which convert method variables...similar to temperature, flow, level, and so on...keen on a proportional air
pressure indication. The mainly generally use transmission range is 3 psi to 15 psi. Transmitters are arranging so that the
lowly rate of the variable to be measured creates a 3 psi pressure, and the utmost value creates a 15 psi pressure. These
pressures might be indicating locally or remotely by a pressure gauge contain a dial calibrated in terms of the changeable
being measured. Receiver Gauges Features• Range of double scale dials available hi 3-15 psi or 3-27 psi by square root or linear scales.
• 2 1/2, 41/2 and 6 inch dial dimension.
• True zero reading to confirm system process.
• Regular 3D quality materials. Inconel X-750 helical bourdon tube sensor, All 316 stainless steel wetted parts, Stainless
steel dial (ABS on 21/2 inch) ABS Case (electro polished stainless cases optional)
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