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Rivet and its Parts

Rivet and its Parts Points : Rivet, What is Rivet, Definition of Rivet, Rivet and its Parts Rivet is a small cylindrical bar by a head fundamental to it. Cylindrical part of rivet is identifying shank or body with lower part of shank is recognized as tail. Rivets are use to make lasting fastening among the plates for example in structural employment, bridges, ship building, tanks with boiler grenades. Riveted joints are extensively use for joining light metals.
Fastenings (i.e. joints) might be classified following two groups:
1. Temporary fastenings
2. Permanent fastenings
1. Temporary fastenings Temporary fastenings are also known as detachable fastenings are those fastenings which can be disassembled with no destroy the linking components. Examples of temporary fastenings are cotters, screwed, pins, keys, with splined joints. 2. Permanent fastenings Permanent fastenings are those fastenings which cannot be disassembled with no destroy the linking components. Examples of permanent fastenings in arrange of strength are brazed, soldered, welded with riveted joints.

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