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Refrigerator Points : Refrigerator, Working Principle, Components of Refrigerator, Refrigerant, Evaporator, Compressor, Condenser, Working Definition: It is a device used to cool the things. Working Principle: Refrigerator works according to the first law of thermodynamics, which states that It is impossible to cause the heat to flow from a cold body to the hot body without the expenditure of energy. In refrigerator during the process of cooling heat flow from low temperature to high temperature. For this flow, work (energy) is to be done on refrigerator by external source (electric energy). Components of Refrigerator: Following are the main components of a refrigerator.
• Refrigerant
• Evaporator
• Compressor
• Condenser
1. Refrigerant: The commonly used refrigerant is 4bFreon gas”. It is easily liquefied at ordinary temperature 2. Evaporator: It is used to evaporate the liquid into gas. 3. Compressor: It is used to increase the pressure on evaporated gas. 4. Condenser: It is used to condense the compressed gas. Working: Working of the refrigerator consists of the following steps.
• Cooling
• Compression
• Condensation
1. Evaporation: The liquid gas is evaporated in the evaporator under reduced pressure. 2. Cooling: For evaporation liquid gas absorbs heat from the things kept in the evaporator and reduces their temperature. 3. Compression: The gas is now compressed and pumped to the condenser by compressor. 4. Condensation: In condenser gas is liquefied and delivers heat taken from evaporator to radiator. This liquefied gas now goes back to evaporator for next cycle.

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