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Safety Precautions during Furnace Operation

Safety Precautions during Furnace Operation Points : Safety Precautions during Furnace Operation, What safety precautions should be taken during furnace
  1. Never pitch damp or wet metal into furnace, crucible or ladle, of molten metal. It will reason a blast that will create the metal spatter and fly around.
  2. Blow air during a crucible furnace, before you effort to light It, this will plain the furnace of any gas that may have collect in it and will put off an explosion.
  3. Use glove and apron as working by furnace, chipping cold slag from furnace lining and so on.
  4. Light a crucible furnace by plummeting a piece of burning waste into the furnace.
  5. Use correctly fixed tongs and shanks while handling crucibles of molten metal.
  6. Ladle must be carefully dry and warm before molten metal is pour into them.
  7. Wear safety goggle while tapping furnace or handling molten metal.
  8. Never walk backward while moving a ladle of metal and don’t run.
  9. Always store crucible in a temperate and dehydrated place.
  10. By using crucible ensure them for flaws and cracks.

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