Properties of Liquid Fuels
Properties of Liquid Fuels
Points : Properties of Liquid Fuels
1. Calorific value of fuels
Calorific value of a fuel is defined as quantity of heat energy released while unit mass of fuel is blistered
totally in enough air. Fuels contain hydrogen contain two calorific values, higher or gross calorific value (HVV)
and lesser or net calorific value (LCV). The common values for higher calorific value of several liquid fuels are
Calorific Value of Fuels
| Fuel | Higher Calorific Value |
1. | Ethyle alcohol | 24 |
2. | Methyl alcohol | 29 |
3. | Benzole | 40 |
4. | Diesel | 45 |
5. | Kerosene | 46 |
6. | Petrol | 47 |
2. Cetane number
A main property of diesel fuel for utilize in high-speed compression-ignition engines is its sell-ignition
excellence. This is governed through the cetane number: the higher centane number (60—70) the more proper is fuel
for compression-ignition engines.
3. Ignition temperature
Ignition temperature of a fuel is define as lowly temperature at which fuel will self ignite, that is with no the
help of a flame or spark.
Ignition temperature must be high for petrol engines and lesser for diesel engines.
4. Flash point
Flash point of a fuel is defined as lowest temperature at which combustible vapour is given of with the fuel to
ignite while a flame is applied to it.
Petrol has a quite low flash point and must always be treated by the maximum quantity of care.
5. Octane number
Octane number is the term functional to petrol and it is a measure of their propensity to oppose detonation or
pinking. High-octane fuels oppose explosion extremely strongly and are required for use by modern high compression
ratio engines, while low octane fuels explode simply at low compression ratios.
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