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Compressor Surcharge is Gas Turbine Power Plant

Compressor Surcharge Points : Compressor Surcharge is gas turbine power plant Surging Surging is associated with a sudded drop in delivery pressure and with violent zero dynamic pulsation which is transmitted through the whole machine.
Compressor Surcharge It may be explained as follows. If we supposed that the compressor is operating at some point having positive slope, Then a decrease in mass. flow accompanied by a fall of delivery pressure. If the pressure of the air down stream of the compressor does not fall quickly enough, the air will tend to reverse its direction and flow back in the direction of the resulting pressure gradient. When this occur the pressure ratio drops rapidly. Mean while the pressure down steam of the compressor has fallen also, So that the compressor will now be able to pick up again to repeat the cycle of events which occurs at high frequency. Graphical Representation of Compressor Surcharge

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