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Parts of Lubrication System IC Engine

Parts of Lubrication System Points : Parts of Lubrication System, Oil Pressure Gauge, Oil Level Indicator, Oil Pump, Oil Filter, Oil Sump, Oil Strainer, Oil cooler The lubricating system in four-stroke engine consists of the following part:
1. Oil Pressure Gauge
2. Oil Level Indicator
3. Oil Pump
4. Oil Filter
5. Oil Sump
6. Oil Strainer
7. Oil cooler
1. Oil Pressure Gauge Oil pressure gauge is rising on the device panel of all cars equipped with pressure lubricate system to tell the driver what the oil pressure is in the engine. 2. Oil Level Indicator The stage of oil in the crankcase is tartan by a plunge stick. It is a long stick with a handle at one end for holding. It is graduated with marks full, half and empty. To check the oil level, the stick is dipped into the crankcase, and taken out. The oil sticks on the stick which shows the oil level in the crankcase, oil level should fall less a critical mark. By starting the vehicle mainly for long journey, the oil level must be checked. 3. Oil Pump Oil pump is usually situated inside the crankcase under the oil level. The purpose of the oil pump is to provide oil below pressure to a variety of engine parts to be lubricated. The unusual type of the oil pumps use for engine lubrication is as below:
(a) Gear pump
(b) Rotor pump
(c) Plunger pump
(d) Vane pump
4. Oil Filter Oil filter is use in engine lubricate structure of mainly of the motor vehicles to filter out the dirt or grit element from the oil. The oil filters system in two types:
(a) By-pass system
(b) Full flow system
By-Pass System In this time the entire of the oil does not pass during the filter at the same time, except a few of the oil with no life form filtered goes to the bearings. Residual oil passes through the filter and then goes to bearings. When the engine is run incessantly for a long period the whole oil is, though, filtered. Full-Flow System In this system the entire oil pass first through the filter and after that goes to the bearing if the filter is closed due to any reason, the scheme fails completely and bearings would be ravenous. 5. Oil Sump Oil sump is buck part of the crank chamber, it’s give a cover for the crankshaft and control oil in it. In wet sump lubricating system, the oil is in use out from the sump and following lubricating unlike parts it drops in the sump. Oil sump is moreover identified as oil pan. It is generally ready of steel pressings. At times it is prepared of aluminum or cast iron. It includes a drain plug at its lowly parts to drain out the oil. In several cases it contains oil strainer, a barrel for dip stick and a link for oil line. In dry sump lubricate system; the oil is controlled in a divide oil tank. 6. Oil Strainer Oil strainer is just a wire net screen. It is close to the inlet of the oil pump, so to the oil going in the oil pump is free as of dirt. The strainer retains the clay or grit of the oil. Frequently a floating filter is installed which is hinged to the oil pump inlet. It is so familiar that the soar at the oil face and the impurities residue at the base of the crankcase. By liability so only a small quantity of pollution goes to the strainer screen and thus it has less chances of being clogged. A by-pass is also reserved in the strainer to let the oil to pass when the screen is entirely stopped up. 7. Oil cooler The basis of oil cooler is to cool the lubricating oil in serious function engines where the oil temperatures become quite high. Because the viscosity of the oil decreases with the temperature rise and also the oil film may break at high temperature, the oil must be reserved bitter in the lubricating system.

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