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Advantages and Disadvantages of Die Casting

Advantages and Disadvantages of Die Casting Points : Advantages and Disadvantages of Die Casting Process, Mold Advantages
  1. Especially thin sections be able to cast with holes up to minimum of 1.6 mm diameter can be simply cored.
  2. High face finish is obtained with regularly no extra finishing is required.
  3. Its need less base space as compare to further casting processes.
  4. Casting dies keep their precision for a extremely long time.
  5. Cost per part is least thus inexpensive.
  6. Speed of creation is high.
  1. Take of machines dies with additional equipment use is high.
  2. Not cheap for small number of production.
  3. Every metals and alloys can’t be cast.
  4. A definite quantity of porosity is common.
  5. Limited to high-fluidity metals.
  6. Heavy casting can’t be cast.

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