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Advantages and Disadvantages of Aluminum Alloy Cylinder and Head

Advantages and Disadvantages of Aluminum Alloy Cylinder and Head Points : Advantages and Disadvantages of Aluminum Alloy Cylinder and Head Advantages
  1. Greater power output and low fuel consumption due to increased compression ratio and better cooling effect.
  2. Light in weight.
  3. Engine warms up more quickly and requires a smaller radiator.
  4. Higher heat conductivity which is about three times that of cast iron.
  5. Better cooling while the engine is running.
  6. Increased compression ratio without detonation due to the head conductivity.
  1. Due to higher thermal expansion, greater clearance is required between the piston and cylinder.
  2. Sometimes, it is necessary to use cast iron valve seating and spark plug inserts.
  3. Due to inter-metallic corrosion between steel studs and aluminum alloy, the head may stick to the cylinder block.
  4. The engine costs more due to costly aluminum alloy.
  5. Greater possibility of corrosion by cooling water.
  6. It is liable to be crusted out of shape by holding down studs due to low modulus of elasticity.

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