Forge WeldingPoints : Forge Welding, DefinitionA Forge welding is formerly the first method of weakling. In this process, the two
metal piece to be coupled are heated in a forge or furnace to a plastic state and then
they are joint by pressure the sequence of prepare lap joint by forge welding. Two metal pieces which are connected by forge welding. Their ends are heated in a
furnace to plastic condition and formed to the required shape by hurtful. Then they
are brought jointly and hammered, so as to get the finished joint similarly, a butt joint
can be prepared by forge welding. Before joining the two pieces, their ends are formed
to the essential shape according to the type of joint. The forge welding is optional to
such metals which have a large welding temperature range like low carbon steel and
wrought iron. By the increase of carbon content, this range decrease rapidly. High
carbon steels and alloy steels require significantly more care in scheming temperature
and producing the welds. Large work may be welded in hammer forges driven by air or
steam. Welded steel pipe is made mechanically by running the preheated steel strips
during rolls which form the pipe to size and apply the essential pressure for the weld.
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