Shell Molding Process
Shell Molding Process
Points : Shell Molding Casting Process
Shell molding is a metal casting process in manufacturing industry in
which mold is a thin hardened shell of sand and thermosetting resin
binder, backed up with some other material. Shell mold casting is mainly
proper for steel castings under 20 lbs; though approximately any metal
that can cast in sand can cast by the shell molding process. Moreover
much larger parts have been manufactured by shell molding. Usual parts
manufactured in industry using shell mold casting process contain
cylinder heads, bushings, gears, connecting rods, camshafts and valve
bodies. Shell molding process in which sand mix by a thermosetting resin
is allowed to come in contact by a heated pattern plate (200 °C), this
cause a skin (Shell) of about 3.5 mm of sand/plastic mix to stick to the
pattern. Then shell is removed as of pattern. Cope and drag shells are
kept in flask by necessary backup material and molten metal is pouring
into mold. Shell molding process can make difficult pails by good
surface finish 1.25 m to 3.75 um, and dimensional tolerance of 0.5 00.
Good surface finish and good size tolerance reduce need for machining.
The process on the whole is fairly cost of use due to reduced machining
and cleaning costs. The materials that can use by this process are cast
irons, and aluminum and copper alloys.

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