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Motion can be classified into following three types.
Translatory motion
Rotatory motion
Oscillatory (Vibratory) motion.


Definition: A motion of a body in which every particle of the body is being displaced by the same amount is called translational motion.

• Motion of a car on a straight road.
• Motion of a train.
• Motion of falling bodies.


Definition: When an object spins or rotates about a fixed point or axis, its motion is called rotational motion. OR Motion confined to a circle is called rotatory motion.

• Rotation of Ferris wheel.
• Rotation of wings of electric fan
• Rotation of electron around nucleus


Definition: To and fro motion of an object about a mean position executed at regular intervals of time is called vibratory motion.

• Motion of pendulum.
• To and fro motion of a swing.
• Motion of wings of a bird.


Definition: When a body changing its position with respect to its surroundings is said to be in a state of Motion.

  • The motion of a moving bus can be detected from its changing position with respect to its surrounding. 
  • The motion of a moving train can be detected from its its changing position with respect to its surrounding.


    Definition: When a body is not changing its position with respect to its surrounding is said to be in a state of rest.

    1. A Book lying on a table.
    2. A Bus standing on the stop.
    3. A bird sitting on a wall.


    Definition: The branch of physics that deals with the description of motion of objects without reference to the force or agents causing motion is called Kinematics.
    Kinematics is the study of how things move. Here, we are interested in the motion of normal objects in our world. A normal object is visible, has edges, and has a location that can be expressed with (x, y, z) coordinates. We will not be discussing the motion of atomic particles.



    Definition: Graph is a straight or a curved line, which shows the relationship of two, inter-dependent quantities.

    There are two types of variables or quantities.
    • Independent Variables
    • Dependent Variable

    The quantity, which is changed at will, is called independent variable

    The quantity, which changes according to any variation in the independent variable, is called dependent variable.

    A graph is plotted on a graph paper. While plotting a graph two mutually perpendicular lines (horizontal called X-axis and vertical called y-axis) are drawn on the graph. Point of inter-section of x and y axis is called point of origin. The independent variable quantity is usually taken along x -axis and dependent variable is taken along y-axis. Choose a suitable scale for both variables and. plot the corresponding values of both variables on graph. If the graph is a straight line the points should be joined by a scale rod. If the graph is a curve, the points should be joined by a smooth and free hand line.

    • It shows the relation b/w two physical quantities.
    • It shows the change in relation of two physical quantities
    • On the basis of graph we can predict the nature of change in quantities.

    It is used to find the relation between two variable quantities.


    • What is Graph?
    • What are the advantages of graph?
    • Define use of graph?
    • Explain construction of graph.



    Definition: It is a device used to measure the volume of liquid.

    Construction: It is a glass cylinder with a scale in cubic centimeters or millimeters marked on it.

    Working: When a liquid is poured. it rises to a certain height in the cylinder. the level of liquid in cylinder is noted and volume of liquid is obtained.


    Definition:  It is a device commonly used to measure the mass of an object.

    CONSTRUCTION: It consists of a vertical pillar having a horizontal beam. resting on a center knife edge with two pans, which are suspended on two knife-edges near each end of the beam. A long pointer capable of swinging on a scale is attached to the middle of the beam. The physical balance is leveled by means of leveling screws. The beam is set free by rotating the arresting knob. The pointer is adjusted at the center of the scale by means of adjusting screws.


    Definition: It is an instrument used to measure the distance accurately up to 0.01 mm OR 0.001 cm.

    A micrometer screw gauge consists of a fine screw of usually I or 0.5 mm pitch, which moves when rotated through a nut. Screw gauge also has a linear scale, which is parallel to the axis of the screw and is known as main scale and a circular scale, which is divided into 100 or 50 divisions.

    Pitch of Screw Gauge:
    Distance between the two consecutive threads of the linear screw is called pitch.

    Definition: Least count is the minimum measurement that can be measured with the help of screw gauge.

    Least Count = Pitch of the screw gauge / No. of divisions on the circular scale


    Definition: It is an instrument used to measure the distance accurately up to 0.1 mm

    It consists of a graduated centimeter bar known as main scale with a moveable scale or 10 divisions known as vernier scale. It has two sets of jaws for the measurement of internal and external diameter of cylindrical objects.

    Definition: Vernier constant or the least count is the minimum measurement that can be measured by vernier calipers.

    Least Count = 1 main scale division - 1 Vernier scale div.
                        = 1 mm - 0.9 mm
                        = 0.1 mm
                        = 0.1/10
                        = 0.01 Cm

    V.C. = Value of one main scale division / Total number of vernier scale divisions
            = 1/110
            = 0.1 mm
            = 0.01cm

    On closing the jaws if the zero of the main scale does not coincide with the zero of the vernier scale then the instrument has zero error.

    On closing the jaws if the zero of the vernier scale is on the right of the main scale then the zero error is positive.

    On closing the jaws if the zero of the vernier scale is on the left of the main scale then the zero error is negative.


    Definition: Liquids transmit external pressure equally in all directions, which acts perpendicularly to the walls of container.

    Hydraulic break system used to stop moving vehicles and work on the basis of Pascal’s principle.
    The hydraulic brake system consists of a master cylinder joined by tubes to four smaller cylinders, one for each wheel of the car. They ate called brake cylinder .All cylinders are provided with oil tight pistons.
    A forward push on the brake pedal causes a force on the piston in the master cylinder and a consequent pressure on the brake oil. These undiminished transmitted pressure forces the piston in each brake cylinder to act on the brake shoe attached to a caliper or against a rotor in the case of disk brake. The resulting friction stops the car.

    In hydraulic lift a narrow cylinder ‘A' is connected with a wider cylinder 'B' and they are fitted with airtight pistons. Cylinders are filled with some incompressible fluid.

    Pressure applied downward on the piston A is transmitted undiminished on each unit area on the piston of cylinder B. The piston B serve as a platform for a car or any heavier object to lift.

    In hydraulic press a narrow cylinder 'A' is connected with a wider cylinder 'B' and they are fitted with airtight pistons. The cylinder 'B' is provided with a rigid roof over it. Cylinders are filled with some incompressible fluid.

    Pressure applied downward on the piston A is transmitted undiminished on each unit area on the Hydraulic Press piston of cylinder B. The piston B moves upward and compress the material placed between piston 'B' and the roof over it.


    The primary purpose of an instrument is to measure a process condition (process variable = process parameter), such as pressure, temperature, level, flow, humidity, strain, displacement or anyone of large number of possible process variables.
    After measurement the information provided by the instrument can be used for the following purposes (called secondary purposes).

    a)  CONTROL A PROCESS:  Controlling of process may be either manual or automatic. The Flow of a liquid may be controlled using flow meter/valve combination and the level by level gauge/valve combination.

    b)  COSTING THE PROCESS: Cost of electricity (i.e. energy) consumption and cost of gas consumed can be evaluated means of house -hold electricity meter (watt –hour meter) and by gas meter. Meter at petrel pump can be used to evaluate the cost of process (cost of petrol which is filled in the tank of vehicle)

    c)  TO MAINTAIN PERSONAL SAFETY:  Whole body counter film badges, dosimeter etc are used at the plant for personnel safety. Control of radioactivity, tripping of reactor for high reactivity and ∆T use of protective/ regulating systems are the examples for maintaining personnel safety as well as plant safety.

    d)  SAFETY AND EFFICIENCY OF PLANT:  Different alarms and tripping of reactor in abnormal conditions may be used for maintaining safety and efficiency of plant.

    e)  PROCESS REDESIGN:  The information provided by the measurement can be used for process, redesign  The defects and deficiencies can be removed. The process line piping network can be simplified removing or eliminating unwanted signals.

    The Need of Measurement

    The Need of Measurement:

    During an address on the subject of measurement, Lord Kelvin, a British scientist, stated a fundamental principle of science. “I often say that when you can measure What you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it”. he clearly stressed that little progress is possible in any field of investigation without the ability to measure. Present-day mass production, processed products, world wide communications and travel. and scientific and technological progress could not exist without adequate measurement techniques. The progress of measurement is, in fact, the progress of science.

    Hydro-Electric Power Generation

    Hydro-Electric Power Generation

    • Hydro-electric power stations are used where water resources are available in an ample quantity at sufficient head 
    • Such plants are built along with the dam
    • Low energy cost due to low operating cost
    • The potential energy of the water stored at a height is converted into mechanical energy by using water turbine
    • A generator coupled to the water turbine converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy

    Diesel Electric Station

    Diesel Electric Station

    • The diesel engine coupled with generator uses diesel oil as fuel
    • It is used where plant capacity is not large 
    • A diesel station can be started and stopped quickly as and when required
    • It does not require large quantity of water for cooling
    • A diesel station may be used as a standby plant to supply part of the load in a power system when required

    Gas Turbine

    Gas Turbine
    • In a gas turbine, the working medium for transforming thermal energy into rotating mechanical energy is the hot combustion gas, hence the term "gas turbine." 
    • Gas turbine generators are self-contained packaged power plants.
    • Early utility applications of gas turbine-generators were strictly for peak load operation
    • Improvements in efficiency and reliability and the application of combined cycles have made it possible to use gas turbine power plants for a wider range of application on electric systems.

    Steam Turbine

    Steam Turbine
    • The thermal energy is used in the steam generators/ boilers to convert water into steam
    • The energy in the steam is converted into mechanical energy of a rotating shaft by a steam turbine
    • The steam is passed through the high pressure (HP) turbine
    • The exhaust steam of the HP turbine is passed through the low pressure (LP) turbine after removing its moisture through the moisture separator
    • The mechanical energy of the steam turbine is converted into electrical energy by means of a generator

    Power Stations

    An electric power station is a factory in which energy is converted from one form to electrical energy.

    Types of Power Stations;
    There are mainly three types of power stations:

    • Thermal
    • Hydro-electric
    • Nuclear

    Thermal Power Stations:
    • In a conventional thermal power station, the thermal energy is generated from coal, gas or oil.

    Hydro-Electric Power:
    • Hydro-electric power stations are used where water resources are available in an ample quantity at sufficient head 
    • Such plants are built along with the dam
    • Low energy cost due to low operating cost

    Nuclear Power Stations:
    • The reserves of fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) are gradually depleting, thus, there is a need to seek alternate sources of energy
    • In a nuclear power station, like Karachi Nuclear Power Plant, instead of a furnace there is a nuclear reactor, in which heat is generated by splitting the atoms of the nuclear fuel, known as Uranium. 
    • It reduces the demand for coal, oil and gas

    Sources of Energy

    • Thermal
    • Hydro
    • Nuclear
    • Other 
    Thermal Power:
    • Coal: Coal energy is one of the types of fossil fuels and non-renewable energy
    • Oil: Oil is a natural substance 
    • Natural Gas: Natural gas is present in the earth along with other natural resources like coal and oil.

    Hydro electric Power:
    Hydro-electricity is the production of electricity from the falling water

    Nuclear Power:
    Nuclear power is the production of electricity with the use of controlled nuclear reactions. Nuclear power provided about 2.1% total energy and 15% of electricity production.

    Other Source of Energy:
    • Wind: Wind power or wind energy falls in the category of renewable energy source. It can be used again and again without the fear of it being diminished or become scarce. 
    • Solar: Sunlight reaches to earth in the form of photons which are energy packets that contain light in it.
    • Geo-thermal: This energy is present into the earth due to the decay of minerals and absorption of sunlight by earth. 
    • Tidal: The energy of the tides which is transformed into useful electricity and other power sources is known as tidal energy or tidal power. It is more efficient and reliable way of generating electricity as compared to wind mills and solar energy systems.
    • Wave Power: When the power of the waves, present on the surface of the ocean, is used to convert it into useful form of energy it is known as wave power. Wave power is different from tidal power and ocean currents. 

    Main Parts of Electrical Power System

    Power Stations:
    A complex of structures, machinery, and associated equipment for generating electric energy from another source of energy, such as nuclear reactions or a hydroelectric dam. Also called powerhouse, power station.

    Transmission Systems:

    Increase in Future Requirement of Electricity

    • Annual consumption of electrical power is increasing rapidly throughout the world 
    • Standard of living is related to consumption of electricity 
    • Rapid industrialization is possible when cheap electrical power is available

    Introduction to Power Plant

    • Electricity provides a very convenient form of power for lighting, motive power and other applications 
    • It is economical to use 
    • Clean and ease of control 
    • It is the most significant sociological invention of the 20th century.

    Importance of Metal

    This period in which we are living has been called the ran Age. There is hardly a single moment of our daily lives in which iron does not play an important part. Our food, our buildings, vessels, means of transports. Our luxury articles-iron is necessary for them all.
    All materials which we posses are obtained from the earth or from nature in their raw forms. It is our ability to convert these raw materials into useful articles of consumption. The materials chiefly used in the shops are metals, and these are divided into two groups, ferrous and non-ferrous. The iron group which includes all irons and steels are called ferrous metals, whilst the others are called non-ferrous.

    Cooling Towers

    Cooling Towers
    Cooled water is needed for, for example, air conditioners, manufacturing processes or power generation. A cooling tower is an equipment used to reduce the temperature of a water stream by extracting heat from water and emitting it to the atmosphere. Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly. Cooling towers are able to lower the water temperatures more than devices that use only air to reject heat, like the radiator in a car, and are therefore more cost-effective and energy efficient.

    Cooling Water Monitoring

    Cooling Water Monitoring
    1. Be sure to keep the water log sheet records up to date. Maintain a record of necessary components, control ranges, control capabilities (especially for calcium, pH, alkalinity, biocide, chemical feeds, conductivity, possible phosphate content.) Follow water treatment procedures closely.
    2. Periodically check the water appearance for turbidity and foam.
    3. Inspect wet surfaces for evidence of slime, algae or scale. Do the same for submerged surfaces. Use a corrosion coupon to monitor system corrosion rates where potential corrosion problems are indicated.
    4. Monitor chemical additions for visible and uniform flow and proper rate.

      Forging Defects

      Forging Defects:
      The common forging defects can be traced to defects in raw material, improper heating of material, faulty design of dies and improper forging practice.

      Most common defects present in forgings are:

      1.      Laps and Cracks at corners or surfaces lap is caused due to following over of a layer of material over another surface. These defects are caused by improper forging and faulty die design.
      2.      Incomplete forging either due to less material or inadequate or improper flow of material.
      3.      Mismatched forging due to improperly aligned die halves.
      4.      Scale pits—due to squeezing of scales into the metal surface during hammering action.
      5.      Burnt or overheated metal due to improper heating.
      6.      Internal cracks in the forging which are caused by use of heavy hammer blows and improperly heated and soaked material.
      7.      Fibre flow lines disruption due to very rapid plastic flow of metal.


      Manometers 1

      Seven Cs of Effective Communication

      The Seven C’s of Effective Communication
      These are also called seven principles of communication. These are equally important for oral and written communication if used properly. They bring you the desired purpose or objective. The 7C’s are.
      1. Completeness
      2. Conciseness
      3. Consideration
      4. Concreteness
      5. Clarity
      6. Courtesy
      7. Correctness

      Each “C” is discussed as below,
      It means a message complete in all aspects. There is no questions unanswered for completeness adopt 5w strategy. What, Where, When, Who, Why, How. In replacing a letter all questions asked also provide something additional if necessary.
      5W’s :
      What à act in /Activity / Job
      Where à Place / Venue
      When à Time / Date / Day
      Who à Person / Doer
      Why à Reason / Purpose / Objective
      How à Why / Method

       Conciseness is expressing yourself is fewest possible words without deleting important points. A concise message saves time and expense of both side conciseness can be achieved by adopting the following points.
      a)            Avoid wordy expressions.
                      e.g. instead of writing “at this time” write now.
      b)            Include only relevant information.
      c)            Avoid unnecessary repetition.

       It means preparing message keeping receiver in mind.
      For Consideration:
      a)            Focus on “you” instead of “I” or “we”
      b)            Show receiver’s benefit.
      c)            Show how your product can fulfill the need of the buyer.
      d)            Emphasize positive pleasant facts.

      Communicating concretely means being specific, simple and definite rather than vague and general.
      For Concreteness.
      a)            Use specific facts and figures.
      b)            Use active voice.
      c)            Use image building words.

      Writing clarity convey the meaning or message in to the receiver’s mind as it is in the sender’s mind.
      This can be done by adopting the following points.     
      a)            The familiar words.
      b)            Make short sentence.
      c)            Construct effective and short paragraph.
      d)            Insert single idea in a sentence.

      Courtesy means not only to think about the receivers reaction but also his / her feelings. It not only involves usage of polite words and gestures but also pure politeness that grow out of respect and concern for others. The following are suggestions for generating a courteous tone:
      a)            Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.
      b)            Use expressions that show respect for the others
      c)            Choose nondiscriminatory expressions.
      d)            Be sincerely Tactful, Thoughtful and Appreciative.

      This quality means to correct u se of grammar, spelling an d punctuation. In terms of verbal communication, this refers to accuracy in pronunciation. The term correctness, as applied to business messages also mean three characteristics:
      a)            Use the right level of language.
      b)            Check the accuracy of figures, facts and words.
      c)            Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.

      Communication Barriers

      Communication Barriers:
      Communication barriers resist free flow of communication and make it faulty some important communication barriers are as mentioned below.

      1. Language Problem
      2. Poor Listening
      3. Differing emotional
      4. Information overloaded
      5. Differing status
      6. Lach of trust
      7. Physical distraction
      8. Illegible writing
      9. Incorrect pronunciation
      10. Noise
      11. Uncomfortable seating
      12. Insufficient Light
      13. Incorrect choice of medium
      14. Selectivity

      Short Note Business Communication

      Short Note - Business Communication.

      Good communication skills place an organization at the correct slot in the society. The image of an organization depends on its ability to communicate with, the society around it. Good communication promotes better understanding between the employer and the employee. In this competitive environment, organizations vie with each other to acquire an employee – friendly image. Thus, communication skills help in establishing, running, producing and marketing of products by commercial establishments. A worker will not be able to turn out a good product and a customer will not buy a product however good it is, until each is convinced to do so through effective communication.

      Importance of Business Communication

      Importance of Business Communication?

      The importance of communication can never be over-emphasised. Communication is the ‘lifeblood’ of all organisations. It is of vital importance to the well being of a state, a business enterprise, a religion and other social or cultural identities including the family. The success of a business enterprise is directly proportional to the level of communication maintained by it. In the new context of globalization and free trade, organizations have to communicate cutting across national and cultural boundaries. Unless effective skills of communication are used, an organization would run the risk of getting insulated and fossilized. Modern techniques would not be available to them. Within an organization, effective inter-personal relationships are possible only if communication skills are cultivated. Today, Multi-nationals organize communication courses for their employees irrespective of their positions. Effective communication enhances the potential of the employees and acts as a motivating force for greater efficiency and productivity.

      Definition of business communication

      Definition of business communication?

      Business communication is nothing but, the communication between the people in the organisation for the purpose of carrying out the business activities. It may be oral, verbal, written etc


      Brazing is a process of joining metals with a non-ferrous filler material. The filler material has a melting point above 427°C but below the melting point of the parent metals to be joined. The filler material is called “spelter” in case of brazing and it must wet the surfaces to be joined. 
      In brazing, the joint has to be carefully designed and joint prepared with due care. When spelter is molten, it flows into the joint clearances by capillary action and fills up all vacant spaces. Since higher temperatures are involved in brazing, a light alloying action at the surface layers of parent metal takes place. This lends considerable strength to the brazed joints. 
      Brazing may be done with the help of oxyacetylene brazing torch, or the heat may be produced by induction/eddy currents. Sometimes electric furnaces are also used. 
      Common brazing filler materials are silver, copper, copper-zinc, copper phosphorous, aluminium silicon and copper-gold alloys. These alloys are avaiable as wires, rods, preformed rings and in powder form. Brazing temperatures usually range from 427°–1200°C. Fluxes commonly used are borax, flourides and chlorides of potassium, sodium and lithium.
      Most common example of brazing can be seen in brazing of H.S.S. and tungsten carbide tipped tools.


      Soldering is a process of joining two metal pieces by means of a low temperature fusible alloy called solder applied in molten state. Solders are alloys of low melting point metals like lead, tin, cadmium and zinc. Of these tin-lead alloys are most common and are called soft-solders. A combination of 62% lead and 38% tin produces the lowest melting point and is called 60–40 solder. This corresponds to the eutectic composition of Pb–Sn series and has a fixed m.p. of 183°C. Increasing tin content produces better wetting and flow qualities. Hard solders are also available and have higher melting points.
      Before applying solder, the surfaces to be joined are cleaned and a flux like ammonium chloride is used. Then the solder is melted and spread upon one surface, while the other surface is applied to it under pressure. When the solder solidifies, the two pieces get joined. The process of soldering does not call for any joint preparation. A common example of soldering can be seen in joining electrical wires of P.C.B. circuits.


      Soldering and brazing are allied joining processes. The main difference between welding on one hand and soldering and brazing on the other is that, in either soldering or in brazing process, the temperatures used are not high enough to cause melting of parent metals to be joined. The difference in soldering and brazing is again based on temperature considerations. In soldering temperatures up to 427°C are used and in brazing process, temperatures above 427°C are employed. Strengthwise soldered joints are weakest, while welded joints are strongest. Brazing produces joints with intermediate strength.

      Flash Butt Welding Process

      Flash Butt Welding Process:
      In this process, the end preparation is not so detailed as in upset butt welding process described above and the ends need not be dead square. In this case, the current is switched on before bringing the two ends to be welded, close together. This results in flashing as the two ends almost touch each other but have a little gap between them. This flashing or arcing generates heat and the two metal end heat up to coalescence temperature. Current is then switched off and the two ends are brought together under pressure to complete the pressure weld. In this case also, a little upseting of material around the joint surface will take place which may be get rid off by grinding.

      Butt Welding Process

      Butt Welding Process:
      Welding two pieces of metal together, end to end, is called butt welding. In butt welding the ends are cleaned and made square so that the two pieces touch each other over the entire cross-section. One piece is held in stationary clamps (Refer to Fig) and the other piece in movable clamp.
      Butt welding (ERW)

      The movable clamps bring the two pieces to be welded together end to end. Then the current is switched on heating the ends quickly. Then the movable be clamps close in with pressure and hold the two pieces together under pressure until the butt weld is made. Obviously, the material around the joint upsets and has to be cut and thrown away.

      Seam Welding Process

      Seam Welding Process
      A seam is produced by overlapping spot welds. The seam welding machine is, therefore, similar to a spot welding machine. But in the seam welding machine, the electrodes are in the form of copper rollers. The two work pieces which are to be joined pass between the rollers. The rollers exert a pressure on the work piece and also rotates the same time. This helps in automatic feeding of the work pieces. The rollers are connected to the secondary winding of transformer but the current passed through the rollers is a pulsed or intermittent one. This results in a successive series of spot welds being made. If the spot welds are overlapping, a seam weld is created.

      Spot Welding Process

      Spot Welding Process:
      Spot welding process is shown in Fig.

      Spot welding consists of joining two pieces by placing them between two electrodes and passing a heavy current through them for a very short duration. This causes the material just below the electrodes to heat up quickly due to the intervening resistance to the flow of electric current. When coalescence temperature is reached, the current is switched off and a pressure is applied on the two electrodes. The pressure is released when the spot weld cools off. The portion of the material just below the electrodes gets pressure welded. The weld joint is usually in the form of a round spot (if the electrodes have
      circular tips), hence the name spot weld.
      The electrodes are usually made of copper and are water cooled. One of them may be fixed and the other one is movable. Normally A.C. power is used along with a step down transformer. The two terminals of secondary winding of transformer are connected to the two copper electrodes to complete the circuit.
      Usually spot welding (as also other ERW machines) are automatic and work on the following weld cycle:
      1. Squeeze the two metal pieces together with a light pressure.
      2. Pass heavy electric current for a very brief time to obtain coalescence temperature,
      3. Apply pressure and hold for sometime.
      4. Remove pressure.
      The whole cycle takes just a few seconds. Welding current may heat up the spot in less than a second.
      This process is extremely suitable for mass production work and is extensively used for fabrication of automobile bodies, railway coaches, steel furniture etc. One variation of spot welding process is called “Projection welding” process. In this process, at least one metal part has projections or depressions (made by some previous pressing operation). The other part and these projections contact each other. If welding is required to be done at these projected locations, an arrangement of electrodes such as shown in Fig may be used.
      Projection Welding

      The weld cycle remains same and on passing current all projections will heat up and get welded. Projections need not be round; they can be of any shape. Projection welding is extremely suited for massproduction work, where a number of spot welds are required close to one another.

      Electric Resistance Welding

      In electric resistance welding (ERW) methods, a high current is passed through the metal pieces to be joined together and the heat is produced due to the resistance in the electric circuit. This heat energy is utilized to increase the temperature of a localised spot of the work pieces to produce coalescence, and then applying pressure at this spot till welding takes place. Electric resistance welding process is a pressure welding process and not a fusion welding process. The output of heat, in this process can be easily calculated. Heat generated is proportional to I2R·t, where I is value of current, R is resistance and t is the time during which current flows.
      The following ERW processes are in vogue:


      In arc welding, the source of heat is an electric arc. The temperatures reached in an electric arc may be as high as 5500°C. A spark is produced in an electric circuit carrying current, if the circuit is broken accidentally. An electric arc is a sustained spark created intentionally by a gap between welding electrode and the work piece. Because of larger heat output and less oxidation, the quality of weld produced by electric arc is much better than gas-weld.
      Either A.C. or D.C. power supply may be used for arc welding. For A.C., a transformer type machine is used to supply current. For A.C., an open circuit voltage of about 75–80 V is required. The current requirement is however very heavy and the welding machine should be capable of delivering 100–300 Amperes.
      D.C. supply is charaterised by the +ve and –ve terminals. With D.C., a slightly lesser open
      circuit voltage of 70–75 volts will be adequate to strike the arc. Normally the electrode is connected to –ve terminal and the work piece to +ve terminal. Such an arrangement is called D.C. straight polarity (DCSP). In this arrangement about 2/3rd of the heat is produced on the work piece end and 1/3rd at the electrode end. Under certain circumstances like overhead welding, D.C. reverse polarity (DCRP) arrangement is preferred. In this arrangement, the electrode is connected to +ve terminal and the workpiece to –ve terminal.

      The process of electric arc welding with coated metal electrode is shown in Fig
      Welding action of a cellulosic-coated stick electrode

      To strike an arc, the electrode should be shorted by touching the work. At the moment of contact, a very heavy current starts flowing through the circuit, while voltage drops. Now, the electrode is lifted slowly so that a gap of 2–3 mm between the tip of the electrode and the work piece is maintained. The voltage across the arc rises to about 15–20 volts and the amperage drops. Due to heat generated in the arc, the tip of the metal electrode starts melting and the gap increases. Unless the electrode is slowly moved towards the work at the same rate at which the tip of the electrode is melting maintaining the gap at 2–3 mm, the arc will extinguish. If the gap increases too much the machine voltage will not be able to maintain the arc.

      A great amount of heat (and intense light) is generated by the arc. It not only melts the electrode tip, but also melts the work piece at the location of the arc maintaining a pool of molten metal as shown in Fig. Without some manner of shielding, this metal will oxidise. The metal electrodes are therefore, given a layer of coating throughout its length (except for about 35–40 mm at the stub end, where the metal core of electrode is exposed and held in the electrode holder). Under the action of heat, this coating at the tip of the electrode vaporises and creates a gaseous shield around the molten metal pool and saves it from oxidation. The electrode coating also contains flux (which reacts with impurities to form slag) and other ingredients which help stabilise the arc. Many types of coatings are in use.
      As the electrode is slowly moved over the joint, the molten metal pool solidifies creating a joint. The joints produced by this process are often stronger than the parent metals being joined. 
      Electrodes are available in many sizes. The size of electrode is specified by the diameter (in mm) of the core metal wire. Size of electrode depends upon the thickness of parts to be joined. Thicker electrodes are required to weld thick plates. The current depends upon the size of electrode used. Thus for a 3.15 mm dia electrodes, the recommended value of current is 100–120 Amp.

      In the arc welding process, a great amount of heat output takes place resulting in formation of a molten pool in the arc area. The heat is also conducted into the vicinity of the joint on either side. The temperature of the material on both sides of the weld bead may not be as high as the melting point of the metal, but, is very close to it. As we move away from the joint or weld bead, the metal may be heated to lesser and lesser temperature. As the electrode travels over the joint and moves away, the heated metal cools as quickly as it was heated. Thus, we can conclude, that the metal adjacent to the weld bead has been subjected to a heat treatment. If steel is being welded, this heating and quick cooling may result in formation of martensitic and other structures which may be prone to cracking and hardness. The area so affected by welding is called “heat affected zone”.

      ARC BLOW:
      A difficulty associated with D.C. welding is arc blow. Arc blow means that arc is deflecting from its intended path making the job of welding difficult due to shifting of arc. We know that when a conductor carries D.C., a magnetic field is set up whose strength is proportional to the value of the current. In D.C. welding, heavy currents are passing through the electrode and the magnetic fields set up deflect the arc to one side or another. This phenomenon is called arc blow and it becomes particularly serious, when welding is being done at the start of the metal pieces or at their end.
      The ways in which arc blow may be reduced are:
      1. Switch over to A.C. welding, if possible. Changing polarity of A.C. does not cause arc blow.
      2. Reduce current, as practicable,
      3. Use as short an arc as possible, and
      4. Wrap the ground cable around the work piece several times.

      These are four welding positions from the point of view of the welder. These affect execution of sound welding.
      These positions are:
      1. Downhand welding position: This is the most comfortable position for welder to work in and he is able to produce welds of a good quality.
      2. Horizontal welding position (on a vertical surface).
      3. Vertical welding position (on a vertical surface).
      4. Overhead welding position (say on the ceiling of a room): This is the most difficult welding position. Not only the operator has to crane his neck upwards and raise his arm to maintain arc, it is also difficult as molten metal tends to fall down due to gravity.
      For important jobs, manipulators are used, which are capable of turning over the jobs and as
      much welding is done in down hand welding position as possible.

      Improper welding procedure and lack of skill on the part of welder may result in many welding defects.
      The major welding defects are described below:
      (i) Incomplete fusion and lack of penetration: Incomplete fusion can be avoided by proper weld joint preparation, using adequate current and travel speed of electrode should not be too high.
      (ii) Porosity: Molten metal has a tendency to absorb gases. The entrapped gases cause porosity or blow holes in the weld bead. Remedy lies in cleaning the work piece surface of all oil, grease and paint etc. before welding and ensuring that electrode coating is free from dampness. If necessary, electrodes can be dried in an oven before use.
      (iii) Slag inclusion: It refers to slag or other non-metallic inclusions getting entrapped in the weld bead. The most common reason for slag inclusion is that between two electrode runs, the slag, has not been completely removed by chipping and wirebrushing.
      (iv) Undercut: Undercutting is often caused due to high amperage used. It denotes the melting away of the base metal at the line where the final layer of weld bead merges into the surface of the base metal. The undercut portion must be rectified by depositing weld metal on it.
      (v) Cracking: Cracks can take place either in the weld bead itself (called hot cracks) or in the heat affected zone (cold cracks). Hot cracks may take place due to narrow deep welds and are caused due to shrinkage of weld metal, particularly if impurities like sulphur are present in the weld metal. Excessive joint restraint can also cause such cracks. Cold cracks occur due to inadequate ductility or presence of hydrogen in hardenable steels. Preheating and post heating of base material will help in avoiding cold cracks.

      Gas Welding Process

      Gas Welding Process:

      In this process, the heat source is combustion of acetylene gas. Chemical reaction of acetylene and oxygen produces a great deal of heat and the oxyacetylene flame burns with temperature exceeding 3250°C, enough to melt most metals and alloys. Two systems are in vogue for oxyacetylene welding:
      (i) High pressure system: In this system, both oxygen and acetylene gases are drawn from cylinders in which these gases are stored at high pressure.
      (ii) Low pressure system: In this system, oxygen gas is drawn from a cylinder as before, but acetylene gas is produced at site at low pressure. Acetylene gas is produced in a sealed container in which water falls drop by drop on calcium carbide. This acetylene gas is drawn for oxyacetylene welding as per requirement.

      High pressure oxyacetylene welding equipment consists of two large steel cylinders. One which is conventionally painted black and is a long thin cylinder contains oxygen filled in at a high pressure of 125–140 kg/sq. cm. The other cylinder which is painted maroon and is shorter but of slightly larger diameter contains acetylene gas dissolved in acetone at a pressure of 16–21 kg/sq. cm. One should handle the D.A. cylinder with great care as acetylene is an inflammable gas and this cylinder should be kept vertical, as far as possible. Both these cylinders are fitted with valves which are normally kept in “closed position”. D.A. means dissolved acetylene gas.
      In order to draw gas from the cylinder, each cylinder is fitted with a pressure regulator with two gauges. The function of the pressure regulator is to reduce the pressure of the gas before delivering it. The two gauges indicate the pressure inside the cylinder and the reduced pressure of gas after the pressure regulator stage. The gases are carried from the pressure regulator to the welding torch (also called blow pipe) by means of rubber hose pipes. The pressure regulator and the hose pipe connected to oxygen cylinder are of black colour while those connected to acetylene cylinder are of maroon colour, so that there is no mix up.
      A welding torch consists of different passages for oxygen and acetylene gases. Supply of these gases is controlled by pin valves. These two gases are then allowed to mix in a mixing chamber before being drivenout through the orifice of the blow pipe. These orifices are of different sizes and can be screwed on to the blow pipe. The complete assembly of the cylinders, regulator etc. is shown in Fig. Normally the two cylinders are carried in a trolley, which is not shown in Fig. A gas welding operator uses the following safety apparel:
      (i) Wears blue coloured goggles to protect his eyes,
      (ii) Wears a leather or canvas apron to protect his person,
      (iii) Wears leather gloves to protect his hands.
      He carries metal welding rods and a supply of flux. He also carries a chipping hammer, a wire brush and a spark lighter. The procedure of lighting a flame is to open the pin valve controlling the flow of acetylene gas in the welding torch and to use spark lighter to burn the gas. The acetylene gas burns with lot of smoke. The oxygen supply valve is then opened and adjusted to get the desired kind of flame.

      Three kinds of oxyacetylene flames can be produced with the gas welding equipment. The chemical reaction between acetylene gas and oxygen is represented by the equation
      For complete combustion of one volume of acetylene, 2½ volumes of oxygen gas is required. Out of 2½ volumes of oxygen, one volume is drawn from the cylinder and 1½ volume, is supplied by the atmosphere, when the flame burns. When the oxygen is supplied in this proportion, the flame is called neutral flame. If however, oxygen supply is less, the flame is termed reducing flame as it contains some unburnt carbon. If there is excess supply of air (i.e., oxygen), the flame becomes oxidising flame. These three kind of flames can be distinguished from each other by careful observation. These flames are shown in Fig.

      A carburising or reducing flame has three distinct zones—inner cone, intermediate feather and outer envelope. When oxygen supply is increased the intermediate feather gradually disappears and only two cones are left the inner cone and the outer envelope. At this point the acetylene and oxygen gases are in chemical balance and the flame is neutral flame. If the supply of oxygen is further increased, the inner cone reduces in length, looses its shape and a sharp hissing sound is produced. The flame has now become oxidising. Such flames have highest flame temperature.
      Neutral flame is used for welding of all kinds of steel and cast iron products. Slightly oxidising flame is used for welding brass, bronze and copper products or for welding chromium-Ni and manganese steels. Slightly carburising flame is used in welding of high carbon steel, aluminium and Nickel

      Setting of the job: Parts to be welded are cleaned and the joint prepared. Joint preparation depends upon the thickness of work pieces. Thin sheets can be joined by an edge or flange-joint. Sometimes, a lap or fillet joint can be used. A sheet of higher thickness but not exceeding 4.5 mm may be welded with a butt joint without any joint preparation. Different kind of joints commonly used in welding are illustrated.