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Main Operative Parts of Lathe Machine

Main Operative Parts of Lathe Machine Points : Main Operative Parts of Lathe Machine, Headstock, Tailstock, Bed, Carriage, Quick Change Gear Box (Tumbler Box), Thread Cutting Mechanism, Feed Mechanism Main Operative Parts of Lathe Machine is given below
1. Headstock
2. Tailstock
3. Bed
4. Carriage
5. Quick Change Gear Box (Tumbler Box)
6. Thread Cutting Mechanism
7. Feed Mechanism
1. Headstock Headstock is a box similar to casting or cast iron. Head stock is clamp on the left ending of the bed. It has bearings at every end which supports the spindle. Spindle is void to allow stock or job holding devices to pass during. Face end of the spindle has an internal Morse taper to fix a live middle and outside of the front end is call the spindle nose, is also threaded or tapered or keyed to fix the chucks with face plate. To get unusual spindle speeds pulley driven or gear driven headstocks are use. Pace index plate is connect to the headstock to show the process in selecting the necessary spindle speeds. Lathe by a stepped pulley drive is commonly calling a belt driven lathe. 2. Tailstock Tailstock is too prepared by cast iron. Tail stock is generally use to hold up the job but it also holds reamers, taps, chucks drills, and dies for physical drive. It is located at the reverse end of the Lathe to the headstock. Base of tail stock is formed to fit the way of the bed. Top part of the tailstock is changeable and can be set also towards the operative or away as of the operator. This tuning enables the operator to align the tailstock by the headstock to the amount of accurateness required. It also allows the turning of tapers by offset the tailstock center as of middle alignment. Tailstock spindle is bored on one side end to fit the dead center and be able to be adjusted by the hand wheel. 3. Bed Bed is the base of the whole machine. It is prepared from cast iron, intended by rigid thick part. On the top face, two guides way are giving to place head-stock with guide carriage and tail stock and remain it in line by the machine spindle. Bed is firmly bolted to legs or a steel cabinet contain electrical connections and a tool cupboard. Steel sheet tray intended for cutting fluid and chip bin is also providing below the bed. 4. Carriage Carriage have of two parts:
a. Saddle
b. Apron
a. Saddle Saddle slides on the conduct among the headstock and tail stock supports the cross slide, compound rest slide and tool post. It supports cross feed and cross feed screw. Cross feed screw control the movement of the cutting tool at right angle to way. It is able to be moved physically by a ball crank handle and saddle is an H-shape of cast iron. Amount of movement can be exactly set by way of a dial graduate to read in thousandth of an inch. Cross slide supports the compound rest. The movement of a compound rest is proscribed by a screw which is turned by a ball crank handle and on which is mount a dial graduated in thousandth of an inch. b. Apron Apron has the gear train moreover the clutches that provide controlled movement to the longitudinal and cross feeds. Split nut with the lever that controls it are placed on the apron. Split nut clamps on the lead screw while the threads are being cut. Cross slide may be motivated physically crossways the lathe by turning a ball crank handle. Carriage can be moved manually along the Lathe-Bed by means of a hand wheel. Carriage may be moved manually along the Lathe Bed by way of a hand wheel. Cross slide may be moved physically crossways the lathe by turning a ball crank lever. 5. Quick Change Gear Box Quick change gear box is also known as tumbler box have a number of different sized gear provide the feed rod and lead screw by different speeds for turning and thread cutting process,. The feed rod precedes the carriage for turning operations while the usual feed lever is occupied. Lead screw advances the carriage for thread cutting process while the split nut lever is engaged. 6. Thread Cutting Mechanism Thread Cutting Mechanism obtain the power during the gearing as of spindle to bad screw. Standard-Change Gear Lathe may be set up to cut an extensive range of thread pitches by altering the fraction of gearing among spindle and lead screw. This obtains control and time quick change gear box make probable a variety of 1 to 100 threads per inch and 0.25 mm to 15 mm pitch of thread. These series are getting by moving the controlling levers. Chart showing the place of the levers necessary for a particular thread is attached to the modify gear box. 7. Feed Mechanism The feed rod runs down the front of the lathe bed. It has no threads except can be recognized by the key-way that runs along its full length. Lathe too has a long threaded screw operation along the front of the bed just over the feed rod. Some lathes the lead screw has a keyway along its whole length act also as a feed rod. Movement is passed along the feed rod and through means of gearing in apron is transmit to the Rack close beneath the bed side.

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