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Material for Piston

Material for Piston Points : Material for Piston The substance use for pistons is primarily aluminum alloy. Aluminum pistons can be also cast or forged. Cast iron is too used for piston. In untimely years cast iron is nearly universal material from pistons because it possesses excellent wearing qualities, coefficient of expansion and universal suitability in manufacture. But due to the reduction of weight in reciprocating parts, the use of aluminum for piston was essential. To obtain equal strength a greater thickness of metal is necessary; the similar of the advantage of the light metal is lost. Aluminum is inferior to cast iron in strength and wearing qualities, and its greater coefficient of expansion necessitate greater clearance in the cylinder to avoid the risk of seizure. The heat conductivity of aluminum is concerning three times that of cast iron, and this joint with the greater thickness necessary for strength, and enables aluminum alloy piston to run at much lower temperature than a cast iron one (200°C to 250°C as compared with 400° to 450°C). As a result carbonized oil does not form on the underside of the piston, and the crankcase therefore keeps cleaner. This cool running material goods of aluminum is now documented as life form quite as valuable as its lightness indeed,, pistons are sometime made thicker than essential for strength in order to give better cooling.

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