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Safety in Arc Welding

Safety in Arc Welding Points : Safety in Arc Welding Safety practices which are generally common to all types of arc welding operations are as follows:
  1. Welding equipment should be installed in a safe working area.
  2. A welding should be equipped with a power disconnect switch which can be shut of quickly.
  3. Shut off the power for any type of repair.
  4. Welding machine must he properly grounded-earthed. Stray current can cause sever shock when ungrounded parts are touched.
  5. The polarity switch never should be changed when the machine is under a load. Wait until the machine idles and the circuit is open. Otherwise, the contact surface of the switch may be bunted and the resulting arcing could cause an injury.
  6. Welding cables should not be overloaded or a machine operated with poor connections.
  7. Damp areas should be avoided an4 hands and clothing kept dry at all-time Dampness on the body may cause an electric shock.
  8. Suitable spark shields must be used around the equipment in flash welding.

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