Types of Springs
Types of Springs
Points : types of springs, torsion springs, conical and volute springs, special purpose springs, laminated or leaf springs, helical springs, disc or bellevile springs
While there are various types of springs, thus far following, according to their shape, are main as of the topic approach.
1. Torsion springs
Torsion springs can be of helical or spiral type. Helical type can be use just in applications where load tends to wind up spring and are use
in different electrical mechanisms. Spiral type is too use where load tends to increase number of coils and when made of flat strip is use in
watches and clocks. Main stresses formed in torsion springs are tensile and compressive due to bending.
2. Conical and volute springs
Conical and volute springs are used in particular applications where a telescoping spring or a spring by a spring rate that increase by the
load is preferred. Conical spring is wound by a regular pitch while volute springs are wound in form of paraboloid by constant pitch and lead
angles. Springs can be made also partly or entirely telescoping. In also case, the number of active coils slowly decreases. Decreasing number
of coils results in an rising spring rate. This feature is at times utilised in vibration problems where springs are use to support a body that
has a unstable mass. The main stresses produced in conical and volute springs are too shear stresses due to twisting.
3. Special purpose springs
Special purpose springs are air or liquid springs, rubber springs, ring springs and so on. The fluids (air or liquid) can work as a compression
spring. These springs are use for special types of function only.
4. Laminated or leaf springs
Laminated or leaf spring (too known as flat spring or carriage spring) consist of a number of flat plates (known as leaves) of unreliable
lengths held jointly through means of clamps and bolts. These are generally use in automobiles. The main stresses formed in leaf springs are
tensile and compressive stresses.
5. Helical springs
Helical springs are invented of a wire coiled in type of a helix and are mostly planned for compressive or tensile loads. The section of wire
as of which spring is made can be circular, square or rectangular. The two form of helical springs are density helical spring.
Helical springs are supposed to be closely coiled as spring wire is coiled so close that plane contain every turn is near at right angles to
axis of helix and wire is subjected to torsion. In other words, in a intimately coiled helical spring, helix angle is extremely small, it is
generally less than 10°. The main stresses formed in helical springs are shear stresses due to twisting. The load apply is parallel to or along
axis of spring.
In open coiled helical springs, spring wire is coiled in such a way that there is a gap among the two successive turns, as a result of which
helix angle is large. As application of open coiled helical springs are partial, Thus our discussion shall confine to closely coiled helical
springs simply.
Helical springs have the following compensation:
(a) Their characteristics can be various by change dimensions.
(b) Their performance can be predict more precisely.
(c) These are reliable.
(d) These have stable spring rate.
(e) These are presented in wide range.
(f) These are simple to manufacture.
6. Disc or bellevile springs
Disc or bellevile springs consist of a number of conical discs held jointly next to slip through a central bolt or tube. These springs are use
in purpose where high spring rates and compact spring units are necessary. The main stresses formed in disc or bellevile springs are tensile
and compressive stresses.
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