Velox BoilerPoints : Velox Boiler, DefinitionThis boiler is fire tube boiler have forced flow. Boiler has compressor, gas turbine, feed pump, generator,
circulation pump and so on. as its basic components. Therefore Velox boiler unit is a dense steam
generating plant. Boiler has a compressor give high pressure air at about 3 bar into oil burner so as to
make combustion products at high pressure and therefore have hot flue gases flow through fire tubes at
extremely high velocity of order of supersonic velocity. Flue gases flowing at supersonic velocity make
easy very high rate of heat communication among two fluids. Combustion gap is lined by concentric vertical
tubes have hot flue gases passing through inner tube and water surrounding it in external tube. Hot flue
gases go by through superheater section and then enter into gas turbine for its increase. Gas turbine
drives compressor use for produce compressed air. Extended gases coming out of gas turbine at concerning
100 m/sec enter into economiser where feed water picks up heat as of gas turbine drain. The hot feed water
coming out of economiser is send into steam/water drum as of where water is spread through vertical
concentric tubes by circulating pump. Through water flow in combustion volume space it partly gets changed
into steam and mixture is injected creatively into drum. Lateral discharge of mixture form a circulatory
flow cause steam release due to centrifugal act, therefore parting of water/steam. Steam is then pass
through superheater section as water is again circulated by circulation pump. Steam pass during steam
headers after superheating. Extra energy, if any in gas turbine is use with alternator attach to it which
supplements electricity necessity in various auxiliary devices. This boiler are extremely flexible and
proficient of quick starting. General efficiency of boiler unit is about 55–60%. Boiler is competent of
handling maximum of 100 tons/hr water which is limited with the limitation of maximum power condition in
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