Loeffler BoilerPoints : Loeffler Boiler, DefinitionLoeffler boiler is a forced circulation form boiler having equally direct and indirect type of heat replace
among superheated steam/water with hot gases/steam in that order. Now the hot combustion gases rising out
of furnace are first use for superheating of steam and second for reheating/economiser part Steam creation
is realized through superheated steam being insert into evaporator drum. Saturated steam hence generates in
evaporator drum as a result of combination of superheated steam and water is picked up through steam
circulation pump. This pump forces saturated steam at high pressure through superheater tubes where hot
flue gases as of furnace superheat steam coming as of evaporator. Flue gases then pass through
reheater/economiser sections. Superheated steam surfacing of superheater section is partially taken out
through steam main and remain is injected into evaporator drum. Usually superheated steam is separated in
proportion of 1 : 2 for steam major and evaporator drum in that order. Feed water to boiler is pumped
through feed pump through economiser section to evaporator drum. Commonly steam generated is at pressure of
on 120 bar and temperature of 500C. Loeffler boiler is valuable in many respects for example there is no
possibility of soot statement in evaporator section. Too by use of higher pressure steam heat transfer rate
gets improved. This boiler is greatly compact as compare to other natural circulation boilers.
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