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Types of Broaching Machines

Types of Broaching Machines Points : Types of Broaching Machines, Vertical Broaching Machines, Horizontal Broaching Machines, Vertical Pull up Machines, Vertical Pull down machine, Vertical Surface Broaching Machine, Continuous Broaching Machine, Horizontal Pull Broaching Machine, Rotary Broaching Machine, Horizontal Surface Broaching Machine Broaching can be done by use of hand or hydraulically operate arbor press. These presses are easy and low-cost and are use for a range of inside broaching process similar to keyway cutting, and so on. A set of broaches is use on these arbor presses. Commonly, broaching machines are classified as:
1. Vertical
2. Horizontal
1. Vertical Machines In vertical broaching machines, move of broach is vertical. Vertical machines can be more classified as:
a. Vertical Pull up Machines
b. Vertical Pull down machine
c. Vertical Surface Broaching Machine
a. Vertical Pull up Machines In pull up type machine, workpiece is located under the worktable. Pulling mechanism is over the worktable and broach handle carriage is below it. Workpiece is located above front pilot of broach. Broach is raise until it engages puller head. While the broach is raise, workpiece come to have a rest against the underside of worktable. Broach is then pulling through workpiece to entire operation. The workpiece then falls free and is prevent into a container. Pull up broaching is beneficial while no work holding fixture is use, when the broached parts fall off through gravity and can be collect through a trough, so make simpler unloading. The majority of broaching machines use in industry are of vertical type, by their chief benefit of economy of floor space. b. Vertical pull down machine This machine is optional for elevated creation internal broaching process. In this machine, broaching operation is performing on top of worktable. Top end of broach is held through an upper carriage. The process consists of passing front pilot of broach through hole to broach. This is followed by automatic attachment of the lower end of the broach to a pulling mechanism in the base of the machine and disengagement at the top. The broach is then pulled through the hole to whole the broaching process. At end of cutting stroke, part is detached and broach is motivated up to engage by upper carriage. For high production, it is preferred to have various arrangements for fast loading and unloading of machine when one or more tools are use. This vertical machine can simply adapt to use of a shuttle table for fast loading and unloading. Pull down broaching simplify trouble of chip disposal, as chips fall off simply due to gravity. Moreover in pull down broaching, supply of cutting fluid at cutting area is easier. c. Vertical Surface Broaching Machine The broaching is able with downward stroke of ram that carries broach downward for cut and then returns to top place. Workpiece is held in fixture which is fastened to horizontal sliding table. Table recedes as of cutting position on completion of stroke and as ram is moving upward to its initial place the machinist can remove the workpiece with reload the fixture by one more workpiece. Table returns to position in time for next cutting stroke of ram. Double ram machine has two ram with fixture sets, alongside. One ram move down by its fixture in cutting place. At equal time the other returns as its fixture is unload, hence making a constant operation.
2. Horizontal Machines In horizontal broaching machines, broach travel along a horizontal directly pathway. These machines can be more classified as:
a. Continuous Broaching Machine
b. Horizontal Pull Broaching Machine
c. Rotary Broaching Machine
d. Horizontal Surface Broaching Machine
a. Continuous Broaching Machine Continuous broaching machine are use for external broaching of parts that need recurring cutting, for example gear teeth. This machine has a nonstop chain travelling in horizontal plane above sprockets. Fixtures for locate and clamping workpieces are mounting at interval on chain. Broach is set horizontally above chain under the bracket. Workpieces are loaded into fixtures with clamping them manually or automatically. These workpieces pass under the broach as chain rotate. After workpieces are broached, they are automatically unclamped and evicted to drop into hopper of machine. b. Horizontal Pull Broaching Machine In this machine, broach is pulled throughout workpiece with a drawhead which is actuating hydraulically. These machines are generally use for inside broaching process. This type of machine is preferred as stroke requisite is large and ceiling height is imperfect. Lifting of heavy broaches is avoided, but these machines occupy a lot more floor space than a vertical machine. c. Rotary Broaching Machine Rotary broaching machine, workpiece are mounted on fixtures on rotary table. Broaches are made in short sections for simple sharpening and are mount on central column and rotary table is rotate past the broaching position. These machines are use just for surface broaching of little parts. d. Horizontal Surface Broaching Machine Horizontal surface broaching machines are presented by stroke able to 9 metre and capability up to 100 tons. In this machine, broach is mounting on a ram driven slide with is pulled above workpiece surface to be broached. Workpiece is held in fixture.

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