1. Continuous motion method
2. Intermittent motion method 1. Continuous Motion Method Continuous motion methods which occupy continue motion of electrode is call continuous motion method. In the majority seam welding function, the electrodes are drives at a stable speed reliable by the exacting results required. Though in several cases the work is pressed or pulled at stable speed as the electrodes are idle below the correct electrodes force. 2. Intermittent Motion Method Intermittent motion methods, which need an irregular motion, are call alternating motion method. This method of seam welding is use where the job are too wide generally 3/16 inches or larger, to be suitably welded by constant motion, in this method the work progress among the electrodes. Distance requited for each successive weld increase and stops through the time required to make each individual weld correctly, then automatically mouse the proper distance for the next weld increase and so on for the full length of weld. Current interpret is frequently use in this method for the reason of supplying a measured time of current application, every time the irregular cases.
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