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Advantages and Disadvantages of Wankel Engines

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wankel Engines Points : Advantages and Disadvantages of Wankel Engines, Advantages
  1. Three combustion processes per rotor revolution allow faster warm-up of the engine.
  2. This engine is claiming to be cheaper as mass produced.
  3. Friction imply efficient pressure is lower. It is so probable to get higher speeds and power output.
  4. Fuels contain lower octane number preserve be used.
  5. Engine preserve be simply balanced. The engine controls no reciprocating parts, so that no unbalanced forces take place.
  6. Engine used for a certain specific power output is considerably lesser in size and less in weight than the size and weight of an equal reciprocating engine.
  7. Engines have less parts, thus it is simpler as it has no valves or valve gear.
  1. This is hard to obtain good rotor sealing’s.
  2. There is an option of chamber twist suitable to close nearness of Cook Inlet and exhaust ports.
  3. Engine braking result is reduced while install in the vehicle.
  4. Exact oil consumption is higher.
  5. Engine signifies torque is lesser at lower road speeds of the vehicle.
  6. Precise fuel consumption, mainly in the lower speed range, are higher.
  7. High compression part is difficult to realize.

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