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Dies Points : Dies, Definition, Type of Dies, Simple dies, Compound dies, Progressive dies, Transfer dies, Fluid activated diaphragm die, Progressive dies, Multi Action dies Definition Dies is the female working elements and is kept as small as possible consistent with required strength. It is also made of hard, wear resistant metal and finish ground to per determined size and tolerance.
Type of Dies 1. Simple dies
2. Compound dies
3. Progressive dies
4. Transfer dies
5. Fluid activated diaphragm die
6. Progressive dies
7. Multi Action dies
1. Simple Dies Simple die sets which are made to perform a single press working operation, such as punching or bending, that is accomplished in one stroke of the press, are called simple dies. A Single operation die may be a bending die, curie die, wiring die and building die. 2. Compound Dies Compound dies make close tolerance and concentric parts, as all work is done in one stroke. A compound blank and draw die. The metal enters as flat, sheet, is cut to the right length and is then formed over a reverse type punch. Spring action on a pressure plate strips the part off the punch. The Knockout pin, at the top, pushes the part out of the upper die if it stays on that side when the die opens. 3. Progressive Dies These dies made to cut and form a part in successive stages or stations of the die. The parts are held together by the strip Skelton or tabs units the last station or cut off force or movement comes from the strip feeder attached to the press. A progressive die can perform very complex work, doing piercing, blanking, forming, lancing and notching. The cost of progressive dies is high and therefore they are usually limited to high production operations. 4. Transfer Dies Transfer dies, like progressive dies are also molestation dies and are constructed on the same principle, but unlike progressive dies, the blanks are cut out first the strip stock and then mechanically moved through successive stagers, sometimes arranged in a circle. An example of the type of part that would require a transfer die. 5. Progressive Dies In progressive dies continues strip from a coil is fed into the dies where in transfer dies previously cut blanks are fed into the dies.
Progressive operations can usually be run at higher speeds and with shorter press strokes than comparable transfer operation.
6. Fluid activated diaphragm dies Drawing of sheet- metal parts may be accomplished by the use of fluids and a diaphragm.
The process has the advantage of closer control of the drawing operation so that parts that usually require two drawing operations can be done in one.
7. Multi Action dies Multi-action dies are used to perform multistep forming one operation. The punch and die segments are operated in a sequence that is coordinated with the stroke. In this setup the entire sheet is held between tooling plates at all time unsupported metal does not flow not flow the punch at is does in conventional tooling. The multiple, matched dies are made so that segments can be timed to move for an optimum forming sequence. The tools are mounted in a conventional hydraulic press, which is programmed to activate independent, external hydraulic circuits.

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