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Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrostatic Bearing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydrostatic Bearing Points : advantages and disadvantages of hydrostatic bearing Hydrostatic bearings are apply for hard applications where predictable plain bearings and rolling bearings cannot gather the tough demands of a grinding machine. Though, hydrostatic bearing systems tend to be comparatively expensive and will so be avoided if capital cost and machine simplicity are given main concern. Advantages 1. High load carrying capacity even at low speeds. But in hydronamic bearing there should be adequate speed to carry the load by the lubricant.
2. Absence of bearing wear below stopping and starting conditions.
3. No rubbing action no wear.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rear and Mid Engine Drive

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rear and Mid Engine Drive Points : Advantages and Disadvantages of Rear and Mid Engine Drive Advantages
  • The engine is in center instead of the front of vehicle then additional weight is put over the rear tires which increases the grip and give more assistance to front tires in braking vehicle which will reduce the possibility of skidding the vehicle.
  • This design too makes easier for the suspension to take up force of bumps so that riders feel the smoother ride as engine which is grave mass placed at mid location of the vehicles.
  • Mainly important thing in vehicles is Vehicles stability. Mid-engine describe helps in stability of vehicles. Essentially the vehicles is suitably stable when all load distributes to all the four wheels similarly so this layout is chosen for proper weight distribution.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Front-mounted Engine, Rear-mounted Drive Design

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Front-mounted Engine, Rear-mounted Drive Design Points : advantages and disadvantages of the front-mounted engine, rear-mounted drive design Advantages
  • There is little load on engine rising, as only the greatest engine torque times the alteration of the lowest gear with no differential transmission has to be engrossed.
  • A extensive exhaust system by good silencing and catalytic converter design.
  • Good cooling as engine and radiator are at the face a power save fan can be fixed.

Difference Simple gear, Compound gear and Elliptical gear train

Difference Simple gear, Compound gear and Elliptical gear train Points : difference simple gear, compound gear and elliptical gear train, comparison between simple gear, compound gear and elliptical gear train, simple gear vs compound gear vs elliptical gear train
Difference Simple gear, Compound gear and Elliptical gear train
Simple gear
Compound gear
Elliptical gear train
1.In simple gear only one gear in every shaft and there is a relative motion among shaft axis.In compound gear there is extra than one gear on shaft which is firmly fix and mash through the gear on another shaft forming gear train.In elliptical gear train axis of shaft on which the gear are mount can move relative to the fixed axis.
2.In a simple gear train, a few of the gears are connected to the similar shaft.In a compound gear train, every gear has its own shaft for rotation.Elliptical gears rotating about their geometric centers are identical.

Difference between Gear and Belt Drive

Difference between Gear and Belt Drive Points : difference between gear drive and belt drive, gear drive vs belt drive, comparison between gear drive and belt drive
Difference between Gear and Belt Drive
Gear Drive
Belt Drive
1.Gear drive is use while distance among driven and driving shaft is less.Belt drive is use while distance among driving shaft and driven shaft is more.
2.Proper for advanced power transmission.Proper for moderate power transmission.
3.Due to number of slip velocity ratio achieve is elevated.Due to the slumber laser velocity ratio is achieve.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Power Plant Points : advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plant, advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power energy Advantages
  • Nuclear power plants are not cause through adverse weather conditions.
  • Materials expenses on metal structures, piping, storage mechanisms are greatly lower for a nuclear power plant than a coal burning power plant.
  • There is enlarged reliability of operation.

Current Electricity - MCQs

Current Electricity - MCQs Points : Current Electricity, mcqs, Current Electricity fill in the blanks, mechanics objective type questions 1. The specific resistance of all metals is most affected by
(a) applied magnetic field
(b) illumination
(c) pressure
(d) temperature

2. Through a metallic conductor an electric current is passed due to the drift of
(a) protons
(b) neutrons
(c) +ve ions
(d) free electrons

3. Through an electrolyte an electric current is passed due to the drift of
(a) protons
(b) free electrons
(c) + ye and -ye ions
(d) free electrons and holes

Electrostatics - MCQs

Electrostatics - MCQs Points : Electrostatics, - mcqs, Heat and Thermodynamics fill in the blanks, mechanics objective type questions 1. Objects may acquire an excess or deficiency of free electrons by
(a) grinding
(b) shielding
(c) grounding
(d) rubbing

2. The electric charge in uniform motion produces
(a) both electric and magnetic fields
(b) neither electric nor magnetic field
(c) a magnetic field only
(d) an electric field only

3. Which of the following is a semi-conductor?
(a) Gold
(b) Aluminum
(c) Germanium
(d) Glass

Optics - MCQs

Optics - MCQs Points : optics mcqs, optics fill in the blanks, optics objective type questions 1. A lamp is hanging at a height 40 cm from the centre of a table. If its height is increased by 10 cm the illuminance on the table will decrease by
(a) 10%
(b) 20%
(c) 27%
(d) 36%

2. Inverse square law for illuminance is valid for
(a) isotropic point source
(b) acylindrical source
(c) a search light
(d) all types of sources

3. In a movie hail, the distance between the projector and the screen is increased by 1%. The illumination on the screen is
(a) increased by 1%
(b) descreased by 1%
(c) increased by 2%
(d) decreased by 2%

Sound - MCQs

Sound - MCQs Points :sound mcqs, mechanics fill in the blanks, mechanics objective type questions 1. It is possible to distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves by studying the property of
(a) interference
(b) diffraction
(c) reflection
(d) polarization

2. In a mechanical transverse wave, the particles of the medium
(a) vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation
(b) vibrate in a direction parallel to the direction of propagation
(c) move in circles
(d) move in ellipses

3. When a sound wave goes from one medium to another, the quantity that remains unchanged is
(a) speed
(b) amplitude
(c) frequency
(d) wavelength

Heat and Thermodynamics - MCQs

Heat and Thermodynamics - MCQs Points : Heat and Thermodynamics - mcqs, Heat and Thermodynamics fill in the blanks, mechanics objective type questions 1. Temperature of a block of iron is 140°F. Its temperature on the celsius scale will be
(a) 20°
(b) 40°
(c) 60°
(d) 80°

2. In the equation PV=RT, V stands for the volume of
(a) 1 litre of gas
(b) one gram of gas
(c) any amount of gas
(d) one gm molecules of a gas

3. Ttemperature at which centigrade and Farenheit scales give the similar reading is
(a) 128°C
(b) 32° F
(c) -40°C
(d) -108°C

Mechanics - MCQs

Mechanics - MCQs Points : mechanics - mcqs, mechanics fill in the blanks, mechanics objective type questions 1. Plank’s constant has the dimensions of
(a) energy
(b) work
(c) linear momentum
(d) angular momentum

2. The unit of power is
(a) kilowatt
(b) kilowatt-hour
(c) dyne
(d) joule

3. In the S.I. system, the unit of temperature is
(a) degrees centigrade
(b) kelvin
(c) degrees celsius
(d) degrees fahrenheit

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