High Pressure and Low Pressure Welding System

High Pressure and Low Pressure Welding System Points : High Pressure and Low Pressure Welding System, What is a high pressure and low pressure welding system The purpose of controller is to decrease the high pressure to the cylinder to an operational pressure of the torch and to keep it at constant pressure. It is also used to adjust the pressure of oxygen gas to torch. Changes in the pressure can be complete simply by turning the handle at the regulator. Usually there are two types (i) Single stage (ii) Double stage.
In all-purpose mechanism consists of a balanced value, diaphragm balance spring, Body, adjust Screw, etc.
Single stage regulator, which decrease supply pressure to working pressure in one step. Example 200 to 5 psi and double stage regulators reduce supply pressure to working pressure in two stages for example 2000 psi to 200 then 200 to 5 psi.

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