Fasteners with a non-tapered shaft

Fasteners with a non-tapered shaft Points : Fasteners with a non-tapered shaft, Bolt, Hex bolt, Tap bolt, Stud, Eye bolt, Toggle bolt, Carriage bolt (coach bolt), Stove bolt, Tension control bolt (TC bolt), Bolt There is no universally accepted definition of the word "bolt". It generally refers to a' larger threaded fastener with a non-tapered shaft.
See the. section Differentiation between bolt and screw above for a more detailed discussion. Hex bolt At times the term is used interchangeably with "hex cap screw". An ASME B 18.2.1 compliant hex bolt is built to different tolerances than a hex cap screw.
Tap bolt A bolt that is threaded all the way to the head. An ASME B18.2.1 compliant tap bolt has the same tolerances as an ASME B18.2.1 compliant hex cap screw.
Stud Similar to a bolt but without the head. Studs are threaded on both ends. In some cases the entire length of the stud is threaded, while in other cases there will be an un-threaded section in the middle.
Eye bolt A bolt with a looped head.
Toggle bolt A bolt with a special nut known as a wing. It is designed to be used where there is no access to side of the material where the nut is located. Usually the wing is spring loaded and expands after being inserted into the hole.
Carriage bolt (coach bolt) Has a domed or countersunk head, and the shaft is topped by a short square section under the head. The square section grips into the part being fixed (typically wood), preventing the bolt from turning when the nut is tightened. A rib neck carriage bolt has several longitudinal ribs instead of the square section, to grip into a metal part being fixed.
Stove bolt Similar to a carriage bolt, but usually used in metal. It requires a square hole in the metal being bolted to prevent the bolt from turning.
Tension control bolt (TC bolt) Heavy duty bolt used in steel frame construction. The head is usually domed and is not designed to be driven. The end of the shaft has a spine on it which is engaged by a special power wrench which prevents the bolt from turning while the nut is tightened. When the appropriate torque is reached the spine shears off.

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