Cross Cut Saw

Cross Cut Saw Points : What is Cross cut saw, Definition Crosscut saw is a particular handsaw for physically cutting wood across the grain. Crosscut saws comprise a blade and a handle. Cross cut saw is similar to a rip saw in shape. It is used to cut the limber across the grains. It cuts in both stokes forwards and backwards. The shape of the teeth is somewhat different from those of the rip saw. The teeth are sharp and pointed. The gullet angle of the teeth is 60°but the front edge of the teeth is inclined at 20^ to the vertical. The teeth are set at both the sides of the blade. The length of the blade is about 65 cm and number of teeth per centimeter is 2 to 5. While cutting it should not be inclined more than 60°to the timber piece, its blade should be strong enough as it cuts the timber cross-ways the grains.

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