Advantages and Disadvantage of Two-Stroke Over Four-Stroke Cycle Engines
Advantages and Disadvantage of Two-Stroke Over Four-Stroke Cycle EnginesPoints : Advantages and Disadvantage of Two-Stroke Over Four-Stroke Cycle EnginesAdvantages
A two-stroke cycle engine gives twice the number of power strokes to the four stroke
cycle engine at the same engine speed. Theoretically, a two-stroke cycle engine should
develop twice the power as that of a four-stroke cycle engine. But in actual practice, a
two-stroke cycle engine develop 1.7 to 1.8 times (greater value for slow speed engines)
the power developed by four-stroke cycle engine of the same dimensions and speed. This
is due to lower compression ratio and effective stroke being less than the theoretical
For the same power developed, a two-stroke cycle engine is lighter, less bulky and
occupies less floor area. Thus it makes a two-stroke cycle engine suitable f marine
engines and other light vehicles.
As the number of working strokes in a two-stroke cycle engine are twice than the
four-stroke cycle engine, so the turning moment of a two-stroke cycle engine is more
uniform. Thus it makes a two-stroke cycle engine to have a lighter flywheel and
foundations. This also leads to a higher mechanical efficiency of a two-stroke cycle
The initial cost of a two-stroke cycle engine is considerably less than a four-stroke cycle
The mechanism of a two-stroke cycle, engine is much simpler than a four-stroke cycle
The two-stroke cycle engines are much easier to start.
Thermal efficiency of a Iwo-stroke cycle engine is less than that a four-stroke cycle
engine, because a two-stroke cycle engine has less compression ratio than that of a
four-stroke cycle engine.
Overall efficiency of a two-stroke cycle engine is also less than that a four-stroke cycle
engine because in a two-stroke cycle, inlet and exhaust ports remain open
simultaneously for some time. Inspite of careful design, a small quantity of charge is lost
from the engine cylinder.
In case of a two-Stroke cycle engine, the number of power stroke are twice as those of
a four-stroke cycle engine. Thus the capacity of the cooling system must be higher.
Beyond a certain limit, the cooling capacity offers a considerable difficulty Moreover,
(here is a greater wear and tear in a two-stroke cycle engine.
The consumption of lubricating oil is large in a two-stroke cycle engine because of high
operating temperature.
The exhaust gases in a two-stroke cycle engine creates noise, because of short time
available for their exhaust
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