The Most Commonly Used Refrigerants
Points : The Most Commonly Used Refrigerants, Refrigerant, Refrigrant-22, Ammonia
The following are the most commonly used refrigerants.
R 12 = Dichiorodifluro methan
R.22 = MonoChiorodifluro methan
R-717 = Ammonia
R-764 = Sulpher dioxide
R-729 = Air
a) Refrigerant-12
R-12 is a very popular refrigerant. It is colorless, almost odorless liquid with a boiling
point of 12.7F° (-29°C) at atmospheric pressure. It is nontoxic, non-corrosive,
non-irritating and non-flammable. It is used in reciprocating, rotary and large
centrifugal compressors. At present time, all small units (Refrigerators etc.) required
for domestic applications, use refrigerant-12 (under (lie trade name ‘Freon’12) as a
refrigerant. The cylinder code color is white.
b) Refrigrant-22
R-22 is a man-made refrigerant developed for. refrigeration installations that need a
low evaporating temperature. One application is in fast freezing unit which maintain a
temperature of -20°F to -40°F(-29 to -40°C). It has also been successfully used in air
conditioning units and in house hold refrigerators. It is used with both reciprocating
and centrifugal compressors.
R-22 has a boiling point of -41°F (-41°C) at atmospheric pressure. It is stable and is
nontoxic, non corrosive, nonirritating and nonflammable. The evaporator pressure of
R-22 is 43 psi or 28 psi (1.96KgIcmn2), at 5°F. The cylinder code color is green. The
principal advantage of Refrigerant-22 over Refrigerant- 12 is the smaller compressor
displacement required. It is about 60% less than required for Refrigerant- 12 which
means that refrigerant-22 has a refrigerating capacity 60% more than that of
Refrigerant-12 for a given compressor displacement. The cylinder code color is green.
c) Ammonia
Although ammonia is toxic, slightly explosive and flammable under certain conditions
yet it is extensively used’ in ice plants, packing plants, large cold storage etc. due to its
excellent thermal properties. it has the highest refrigerating effect per Kg of any
refrigerant. The common metals which are used in Ammonia systems are iron & steel.
It should never be used with copper, bars and other copper alloys. It is a colorless gas.
Its boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure is -28°F (33°C) and its melting point
from the solid is 108°F(-78°C). For making leak detection in ammonia systems usually
sulpher candle is used which gives off a dense white smoke in the presence of
ammonia vapour. The cylinder cod color is silver.
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