Main Parts of Drill Press and Their Function

Main Parts of Drill Press and Their Function Points : Main Parts of Drill Press and Their Function, Name the main parts of a drill press and describe their function s briefly, Back gears, Column, T-Slots, Spindle, One cone pulley, Base, One cone pulley The main parts of a drill press and their function are given below.
1. Back gears
2. Column
3. T-Slots
4. Spindle
5. One cone pulley
6. Base
7. One cone pulley
8. Table
9. Head
1. Back gears Back gears, located within the front pulley, give additional speeds. Stop before shifting gears. A variable speed drive- gives a continuous range of speeds shown on a dial his adjusted only while the drill is operation. 2. Column Column is the post, to which the table is fastened; the table holds the work in, place while It is being drill. 3. T-Slots T-slots by turning the hand crank, which cause the table elevating screw to turn, the table may be raised or lowered and then clamped in place by tightening the table fasten. 4. Spindle All drilling mechanism has a spindle, which holds and turns the drill. It is upright on most machines and is held by an arm, which is fastened to the column. To be the spindle from dropping, it is balanced by a spindle return spring which supports the quill a housing around the rotating spindle moved up and down by the feed handle. A few spindles may be counterbalanced by a weight, which moves up and down inside the column, this weight is fastened to the spindle with a chain called the counterweight series. 5. One cone pulley Cone pulley is fastened to the spindle and another is connected to the motor. The steps of the cone pulley give as a lot of speeds as there are steps. 6. Base Base of the drill press is the support for the machine it is bolted to the floor and has T-slots so to large work may be bolted to it for drill. 7. One cone pulley Cone pulley is fastened to the spindle and another is connected to the motor. The steps of the cone pulley give as various speeds as near are steps. 8. Table Table can be adjusted along tile column for correct height prior to drilling. It can also be swiveled around the column to the preferred operational position. Most worktable might slots and holes for rising vises and other work holding accessories. Various tables are semi universal meaning that they can be swiveled about the horizontal axis. 9. Head Head houses spindle quill pulleys motor with feed mechanism. The v-belt as of the motor drives a pulley in front part of head which in turn drive the spindle. The spindle turns the drill.

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